Improving My Technology Skills

Improving My Technology Skills

5 Reasons Your Small Business Needs A Remote Tech Support Subscription

Marie Brunet

If you are a small business owner, it is likely that you rely heavily on one or more computers in your office. There are several things that can go wrong with computers, including viruses, slow boot-times, lost data, and difficulty connecting peripheral technology to your network. Unfortunately, many small businesses are unable to afford hiring a full-time IT specialist and many business owners do not plan for computer issues. A subscription to a remote computer repair service can put your mind at ease and keep your computers running. 

Save Money By Not Hiring an IT Specialist

A computer specialist earns an average of $60,180 a year, making it an expensive position to fill if you have a small office with only a few computers. However, taking a broken piece of equipment to a repair shop can limit your work for several days, lowering your productivity and doing little to address small, everyday issues that do not require extensive repairs. Onsite technicians can also be expensive and it can sometimes take days to book an appointment to get one to come to your office.

Alternatively, a yearly remote support subscription usually costs a few hundred dollars, depending on how many computers you want support for and what types of services are included in your support package. It is as if you are sharing the cost of a technician with several other companies who also do not need a full-time, dedicated IT specialist in their office. 

Save Time By Not Learning Complex Repairs On Your Own 

You may think that you can simply complete your IT needs on your own, especially if you are naturally good with computers. However, unless your business is computers, you will likely spend valuable time looking up repairs and learning about more complex peripheral integration. With remote services, you can often connect a technician to your problem-computer and continue working on other aspects of your business on a different computer while they complete any necessary repairs and updates. 

Ensure Easy Integration of Computer Peripherals 

The modern world is filled with technology that interacts with other technology. Whether you need to connect a new printer to your network or need to setup a smart television to have access to your computer files, there may come a time when you are having difficulties getting your peripherals to work with your computer or network. In most cases, a remote IT technician can help you install the necessary drivers, create the appropriate permissions, and get your peripherals running in a timely manner. This can be critical when you need to use the smart television for a meeting and have no time to diagnose problems on your own. 

Feel Comfortable That Your Computers Are Updated With The Latest Antivirus

Many remote tech support companies offer one-time services for a lower price than their year-long subscriptions. You may think that you can use these when problems arise and avoid paying the subscription fee. However, if you have multiple problems within a year, the subscription will often pay for itself. As a bonus, most companies offer subscribers a full diagnostic of their system at least once a year and regularly checks to make sure your computer is updated with the latest antivirus software after each session, even if you call about an unrelated issue. 

Know Exactly Who to Call for Help

When you have a computer problem and need it fixed immediately, you do not want to take the time to compare companies and figure out who to call. If you have a subscription, you can keep your provider's phone number on hand and know exactly who to call for prompt service any time you have a problem. 

If you depend on one or more computers in your small business, it is important to consider a tech support subscription now as opposed to waiting until you have a problem with your equipment. For more information, contact a professional remote tech support service like Bask.


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About Me
Improving My Technology Skills

As soon as I started a new job, I realized that I should spend a little time honing my technology skills. I wasn't that familiar with the program that the rest of my team was using, but I knew that understanding the jargon would significantly help my career. To sharpen my technology skill set, I started staying after work to practice different aspects of the software. It took me a few months, but eventually I knew the program better than anyone else at work. My blog is all about learning more about technology, so that you can stand out from the crowd.